Saturday, June 22, 2013

4 stars to Gate Deadlock on Goodreads!
 4 stars to Gate Deadlock on Goodreads!
Read the review here:
When it comes to this book, I’m going to do my “new” type of review. I have tried to figure out how to write this review for the past few days and I think that this is the best way that I can do it.
Things I enjoyed:
I really enjoyed the world that was created. The different worlds that were created were done extremely well.
The characters were written in a way that you could visual idea as to what they look like, how they act. Everything about them in general, their actions and personalities.
The story line of this book was amazing; I really liked the whole idea behind this story.
Things that I didn’t enjoy:
The story seemed drawn out at certain parts. There were some sections that felt like they just dragged on longer than they should have.
Other parts of the book seemed to short, you were left wanted to know more about what was going on, what was happening.
I wish we had a little more insight into Christopher’s past, but I am hoping that there is more to learn in the next book.
All in all, I did enjoy this book and I am looking forward to reading the second book in the series.

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